Put Your Intervention to the Test!
Put Your Intervention to the Test!
Does each student have a personalized learning plan?
The most effective instruction is directed by individual student’s strengths and needs. Collecting and using data is foundational to knowing students well enough to create a personalized plan for them. Assessment technology can be a fast and accurate way to get baseline data—and identify learning gaps.
Do your resources support your intervention goals?
Having a variety of resources is also key to keeping intervention fresh and on point.
Measuring Up Foundations is a new resource that homes in on the foundational skills students require for grade-level learning. Organized for easy use, the clean-page format and streamlined instruction helps students to focus and stay on task. Technology can help too. Measuring Up Live 2.0 offers educators the ability to assess quickly and effectively. The integrated system also provides practice ensuring that students are working on the precise skills they need for mastery.
Does your instruction build the necessary foundational skills for grade-level learning?
Struggling students often have gaps in foundational skills needed for grade-level learning. Rather than going back a year “just in case,” the Council of Great City Schools (2020) suggests accelerating learning with “just-in-time” teaching—teaching foundational skills in small groups as they are needed for grade-level learning.
Do you respond quickly to changing needs?
Reaction time matters. The quicker the response time, the less likely a student will fall behind. Effective educators alter instruction, ask questions, think aloud, model, and provide scaffolds according to students’ needs. Teachers support and monitor practice, so time spent independently is purposeful and productive.
So, how does your intervention instruction measure up? (No pun intended!) It’s never too late to adjust our practices-especially when achievement is at stake. Addressing learning challenges take time. It also takes dedicated educators and resources working together to ensure student achievement.
Council of Great City Schools (June 2020) Addressing Unfinished Learning After Covid-19 School Closures. Retrieved from https://www.cgcs.org/cms/lib/DC00001581/Centricity?Domain/313/CGCS_Unfinished%20Le
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